Insertion Sort
- An insertion sort is one that sorts a set of values by inserting values into an existing sorted file.
- Suppose that Iist[] is a list of n elements in memory. The insertion sort technique scans the list Iist[] from Iist[1] to list[n-1], inserting each element list[ k] into its proper position in the previously sorted sublist list[o], list[1], ..., list[n-1].
Let list[] be an array of 7 elements: 25, 15, 30, 9, 99, 20, 26.
Initial scenario,
Step 1: list[1]
Step 2: list[2]>list[1] , so position of elements remain same.
Step 3: list[3] is less than list[2.],list [1] and list[o], thus list[3] is inserted at list[o] position and others are shifted by one position.
Step 4: list[4]>list[3] , so position of elements remain same.
Step 6: list[6] is less than list[5] and list[4], so list[6] is inserted at the position of list[4] and others are shifted by one position.
After step 6, the list is completely sorted.
Algorithm for insertion sort:
This algorithm sorts the array list with n elements. Let temp be a temporary variable to interchange the two values, k be the total
number of passes and j be another control variable for sorting.
Step1: Initialization,
Set k=1
Step2: For k=1 to (n-1)
Set temp=a.[k]
Set j=k-1
While temp<a[j] and (j>=0) perform the following steps
Set a[j+1]=a[j]
Set j=j-1
[End of loop structure]
Assign the value of temp to list[j+1]
[End of for loop structure]
Step3: Exit
Efficiency of insertion sort
Best Case: If the initial list is already sorted, then only one comparison is made on each pass, so that the complexity comes out to be O( n ).
Worst Case: If the initial list is sorted in reverse order, the total number of comparisons is:
so that the complexity comes out to be O(n^2).
Average Case: The average number of comparisons in the insertion sort (by considering all possible permutations of the input list) is O(n^2).
Note: The closer the list is in sorted order, the more efficient the insertion sort is.
C Program For Insertion Sort
#include <stdio.h>
void insertionSort(int arr[], int n)
int i, key, j;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
key = arr[i];
j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && arr[j] > key)
arr[j + 1] = arr[j];
j = j - 1;
arr[j + 1] = key;
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
int main()
int arr[100],n,i;
printf("How many elements are u going to enter?: ");
printf("Enter %d elements:\n",n);
insertionSort(arr, n);
printf("\nThe sorted list is:\n");
printArray(arr, n);
return 0;
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