Preparing Career as a Systems Analyst

System analysts are the key individuals in the information system development process. To succeed as a system analyst, you will need to develop the following skills.
  1. Working Knowledge of Information Technology: This is the technical skill. The analyst must be aware of both existing and emerging information technology. Such knowledge can be acquired by college courses, seminars and training programs.
  2. Computer Programming Experience and Expertise: This is also a technical skill needed by systems analysts. Most system analyst need to be proficient in one or more high level programming language.
  3. General Knowledge of Business Processes and Terminology: Most of the systems today are business related and the systems analysts must be able to communicate with business experts to gain understanding of their problems and needs. So, this skill is must. To develop this skill, the system analyst should have knowledge about the courses like accounting, finance, business law and ethics, economics, manufacturing, marketing, operations management, human resource management, organizational behavior etc.
  4. General Problem-Solving Skill: The systems analyst must be able to take a large business problem, break down that problem into its component parts, analyze the various aspects of the problem, and then assemble into an improved system to solve the problem. To develop this skill, a system analyst should have knowledge about critical thinking and reasoning.
  5. Good Interpersonal Communication Skill: To know the user requirements, an analyst must be able to communicate orally and in writing. To develop this skill, the courses like business and technical writing, business and technical speaking, interviewing and listening will be effective.
  6. Good Interpersonal Relations Skill: The systems analysts should interact with all the stakeholders in the information system development project. To do this they must have this skill. To improve this skill, the analyst should have knowledge about the courses like teamwork, principles of persuasion, managing change and conflict, and leadership.
  7. Flexibility and Adaptability: No two projects are alike. So, a successful system analyst must learn to be flexible and to adapt to unique challenges and situations.
  8. Character and Ethics: The system analyst should have strong character and a sense of right and wrong. This is needed to hide the sensitive and confidential facts and information of an organization.
  9. System Analysis and Design Skill: All systems analysts should know concepts and principles, tools, and techniques of information systems development.

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Arogya Thapa Magar

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